Feel free to scroll below to find out about our different ministries & partnerships


KidsPoint is the place a kid can be a kid while learning about following Jesus in a fun and interactive style. Each Sunday at 10:00am children age 5 - grade 5 meet for KidsPoint in our children's wing for about an hour as they explore what it means to KNOW, GROW, and GO in the name of Jesus. Let your children lead the way to our beach themed check-in point. Only children and authorized staff are allowed in this area to provide the highest of security possible. We recognize that the safety of your children is important to you and we want you to know it's important to us, too. Our staff has had the proper training and background checks. Thank you for entrusting your kiddos with us.          


Overflow is the name of our student ministry geared towards  grades 6-12. Each Wednesday Overflow meets in the youth room from 6:00pm-8:00pm as students/staff hang out and build relationships with each other. Our purpose is to provide students with a safe and healthy environment to discover what it means to be a follower of Jesus while engaging them in relevant topics that hit home to their stage of life.   

Sunday school for ADULTS

Sunday School provides christian education on understanding scripture and how it relates to life in practical ways. Currently, we offer Sunday School for adults at 9:00am. There's always something we can learn or share with others about scripture and/or our life experiences. We encourage you to keep learning and keep growing!


Our Life Group Ministry exists to see every person who calls GHNAZ home be connected in a healthy small group community. We create environments where people can connect, encourage, support, pray, and serve one another. We call this "doing life together." Having a small group network provides a great support system and cultivates a healthy mindset that we’re all ministers together in the body of Christ. If you’re not a part of a Life Group already, we can help you get connected, or if you are already a part of a group and would like to start fresh, we can assist you. Stop by the Connection Center and ask for a Life Group Card to get started. You can also ask for more information by emailing us at office@ghnaz.org.

nazarene missions international

Nazarene Missions International (NMI) is the organization responsible for engaging and mobilizing the local church in missions in the Church of the Nazarene. NMI is the Nazarene denomination's representative for missions on the district and  local church level. NMI is committed to helping local churches tell the missions story. They provide resources and support for the local church as it informs and educates it members, not only in what other Nazarenes are doing, but how you can get involved too.

MISSIONS GIVING GOAL 2023/24 -----  $6,500

Our church year runs June 1st - May 31st

Nazarene Mission International (NMI)

NMI has many different facets to it. Please click below to learn about these areas.

  • Grace Gardens  - this is a community garden that is overseen by Love In Action.  For more information you can go to their                                        website      https://loveinactiontricities.or/services/grace-gardens/

  • Our denomination is based on Missions.  Here is our District Missions page https://minaz.org/ministries/missions-nmi which provides more information about our district and links to a variety of NMI resources

  • World Evangelism FundThe World Evangelism Fund provides the undesignated money and mission network that all                       Nazarene ministries need.  It creates and sustains ministries and make it possible to bring Christ’s                                   transformational message of hope and salvation to the world through the Church of the Nazarene.     


    Alabaster - provides funds for property and buildings around the world. 

    LINKSa network of personal connections between missionaries and Nazarene districts around the world.                                                  We currently have 2 missionary families assigned to our church as "LINK" missionaries,  We are to give, connect                      with and pray for each of them.  You can reach out to our NMI President for more information or directly to our                          Missionaries.

                                                               Steve and Rebecca Barber serving in Thailand  -   http://www.kmrsbarber.com


                                                               The Ibanda family serving in Madagascar          -   ibandam@gmail.com

  • Walks alongside local churches in their efforts to meet the needs of children, families, and communities.



    Here is the website for more in depth information   https://www.ncm.org/                     

prayer ministry

Our prayer ministry is made up of many different facets that allow people to join in at their own speed and participate at different times throughout the week. Currently, we have a prayer list that is updated as needed and shared in our bulletin each Sunday. We encourage our people to use this list to pray for the needs of others. We also have a prayer gathering that is taking place on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in our sanctuary for anyone who would like to join us in praying together in person. There's something special about praying with one another and for one another. If you have a prayer request, please click here.


Discover is a 2-hour class that we offer to help people better understand who we are and what we believe as a local church. In our time together we will also cover our history, mission, vision, and values. We also welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you may have. Discover is a requirement for those desiring to become a member of our congregation. If you'd like to attend our Discover class, please email Pastor Ron here.


Launch is designed to maximize one's potential in finding their place of service in ministry. It's meant to assist people in discovering what makes them unique and using their uniqueness to serve the body of Christ or join the church on mission as we seek to advance God's kingdom in our community. We help you find your place by assessing your spiritual gifting, heart, abilities, personality, and life experiences. Launch is offered on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm throughout the year.  

first impressions

Our first impressions ministry is all about helping people feel like they belong. We want to do all we can to welcome people and help them get connected without pointing them out in some embarrassing way. We understand that coming to a new place can be intimidating enough, let alone, a place of worship where you may not understand all of our practices. No worries! We're a come-as-you-are church and we want to insure you we have a number of greeters, ushers, and connections people whose sole purpose is to make you as comfortable as possible in this new environment. The Connection Center in our main entry way is the hub for any information you may be looking for. Stop by, someone would be glad to help you!

meal ministry

We want to bless those in our circle who are facing difficult life situations by providing meals for those in need. At times our families suffer from the loss of a job or family member, prolonged illness, recovery from surgery or other hardships. Those who are part of the Meal Ministry help prepare and/or deliver meals to these families. If you would like to volunteer with our Meal Ministry, please click here.

indian lake nazarene camp

Located just 30 minutes south of Kalamazoo in Southwest Michigan, Indian Lake Nazarene Camp (ILNZ) is a Christian Camp & Retreat Center that focuses on building God centered communities. Their hope is that everyone who comes to ILNC receives peace and spiritual restoration. They offer a variety of sleeping accommodations including an RV park. They also provide outdoor activities, meeting spaces, a dining hall and exceptional service. We partner with ILNC by encouraging our kids, students and adults to take advantage of camping opportunities and programs provided on their campus throughout the year.


Love In Action is one of our partners. We host the site for Grace Gardens. The mission of Grace Gardens is to show the love of Christ by building relationships, teaching good stewardship of God's creation, and growing and distributing healthy food for those in need within our community. According to the Ottawa County Food Policy Council, access to affordable, fresh, and healthy produce is one of the top challenges for people in need. Love In Action's goal is to have a productive garden that is also educational and inspirational. The hope and prayer is to produce 2,000 pounds of healthy produce for Love In Action's 10 food pantries in the Tri-Cities..

love my city

Love My City is an opportunity for Grand Haven Church of the Nazarene to demonstrate God's love in action.  The purpose of "Love My City" is to seek the peace and prosperity of our great community!  How much could the tri-cities area be impacted if we all labored for our neighbors together!  The strategy is simple:  See a need and meet the need.  Jeremiah 29:7 - "Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you... Pray to the LORD for it, work for it, because if it prospers, you to will prosper."