Helping people...

belong, believe, & become

Grand Haven Church of the Nazarene (GHNAZ) Welcomes You!

Wherever you are on your faith journey we want to help you take the next step. Progress, not perfection, is always the goal. Growing in our relationship with Jesus requires that we challenge ourselves to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be and most of the time that means receiving help from others to get to where we want to go.

So, here's a good place to start. Below you will find a list of possible next steps that you could take.

What's Your Next Step?

WiFi      Connection Card

           Fill out a Connection Card at our Connection Center at GHNAZ so we can get your contact information. This will help us in assisting you. We want to serve you the best we can.

Birthday Cake     Welcome Party

          Our Welcome Party is designed to help newcomers feel welcomed by getting to know a few people. You get a chance to meet other newcomers, as well as a  few of our church leaders.  

Hiking      Discover

          This class is offered for you to get to know us better. Discover our mission, vision, beliefs, and more. This class is offered every few months and is a prerequisite for partnership/membership at GHNAZ.

         Place Faith In Jesus Christ

         Starting a relationship with God by placing our faith in His Son, Jesus, is the most important decision we will ever make. It's also a daily decision to continue to follow Jesus as our Savior and Lord. This relationship is a life-long process fleshed out in our daily life. The resurrection of Jesus changes everything!

Water    Baptism

          Don't be ashamed of being a follower of Jesus. Jesus is our everything! If we deny Him, He will deny us. Baptism is a public confession of faith in Jesus Christ. It's an outward symbol of an inward decision to follow Jesus. (We believe in all modes of baptism - emersion, pouring, or sprinkling) Baptism is a prerequisite to membership at GHNAZ.

Heartbeat    Life Group

          Small group communities are the heart of our ministry. Sunday worship  gatherings are great for corporate worship and gathering the church together as a whole, but real church life happens throughout the week. Life Groups are where faith and life intersect. The purpose of our Life Groups are to provide everyone with the opportunity to connect, grow, care, pray, and serve one another. 

rocket    Launch

         This four week class is designed to maximize one's potential in finding their place of service in ministry. We will help you find your place by accessing your spiritual gifting, heart, abilities, personality, and life experiences. Get ready to launch into service with confidence.


Helping Hands   Serve

          One of the best ways to grow is to serve. When we serve, we help others, but we benefit too. So, get involved! We love our volunteers at GHNAZ. It takes a team of volunteers to make ministry happen and there's a spot just for you no matter where you are on your faith journey. Go from attending church to being the church  by getting involved.

cash  Tithe

           Tithing is a biblical principle of giving ten percent of your income back to God through the local church. This is how the mission of God is funded. This is one way that Lord test our heart. Tithing is a sign of Christian maturity. God has entrusted us with resources and it's up to us to be good stewards of what He's given us. Talk to pastor about this principle if you'd like to learn more.

Users    Partnership / Membership

           It’s about ownership. At GHNAZ, becoming a member represents a significant shift in mindset – from “I attend this church” to “This is my church.”  By becoming a member of GHNAZ, you're saying "You can count on me" or "I'm committed" to helping any way I can so we can fulfil our mission. To become a member, you first have to take the Discover class.

  trophy  Leadership

         Members who get hired or elected or appointed to leadership positions at GHNAZ have shown a track record of being faithful, wise, and accountable. It's a great honor to be able to serve in church leadership. Those who serve in these positions are servants to the greater body of Christ. They champion the vision and mission of the local church.

circlestar  Call To Ministry

           A call to ministry is not something you decide or are elected to, it's something that is given by God to some in order to serve Him and His Church. It's something that some believers are compelled to do and that other believers affirm. Talk to pastor if you feel you have a calling on your life.


What's Your Next Step?

If you don't know what to do next or need some assistance,

talk to our team at the Connection Center or reach out to Pastor Ron

and we would be glad to help you.

God Bless You

As You Seek To Honor Him